Advantages of Nautic7 Fractional Sailing
When compared to owning a boat or joining a sailing club, Nautic7™ is clearly the better alternative.For example, if you own a sailboat and only use it 2 or 3 times a month, the ownership costs can still mount. Slip fees can range from $350-$700 per month. Bank payments can go from $500 to $2000 per month. Add maintenance expenses and insurance and the tab quickly climbs. Sailing clubs are an option too, but many people find that Nautic7 gives you a feeling of personal pride and ownership. Nautic7 boats are kept in new condition and are available more often.
Fractional Sailing is the solution.
Fractional Sailing works by sharing access to a new sailboat with up to seven others, and you are guaranteed individual use at least seven times per month. We cover the ancillary costs of maintaining and storing the boat: insurance, marina fees, upkeep and repairs. All you pay is a flat monthly charge, which is usually less than most day rates for chartering a boat or even the slip fee.
Our flexible scheduling system is the answer. While you are guaranteed a minimum of seven self-selected sailing reaservations per month, the maximum is unlimited. Any reservation you make within 24 hours of the sail reservation is free and unlimited in quantity.
Fractional Sailing is all the fun with no long-term commitment. With Nautic7, you can leave the program any time you want with minimal restrictions.
Overall, Nautic7 is an effective, simple and attractive option for sailing enthusiasts.