Scheduling Your Sailing Reservations
It's a fact: Nautic7 Members get to sail more often.There are 60 sail reservations available each month per boat. When it comes to understanding reality and everyone's busy schedules, most people sail approximately 3 times per month or with 8 members per boat, that's only 24 sailings a month that the boat is actually used. This leaves more than 50% of the availability open for you to use at your discretion using our 24 hour free sailing rule. This gives you the flexibility and the spontaneity that you probably want—plus the ability to make self selected guaranteed reservations.
The Nautic7 Scheduler makes it all work. And along with our iBoat electronic boat management technology, we make sure our boats are ready to go when you are.

Nautic7 Scheduler features include:
- Schedule outings however you choose. Pick half-day, full-day, weekend, week or a mix. (How about today?)
- Guaranteed weekend sailing reservations. The scheduler distinguishes between weekend and week day reservations so that the available reservations are fairly and equitably made available to everyone. Thus, you're guaranteed to get a full weekend of sailing reservations when you want. It prevents others from dominating the calendar.
- You're entitled to an unlimited number of "as-available" sailing reservations with 24-hour notice—at no extra cost.
- Design your own boating calendar online with Nautic7 Scheduler. Make instant reservations. Plan outings up to a year in advance.
- Send swap reservation requests to to other Members at the click of a button. If they accept, you're sent an automatic email.
- With a full week of sailing reservation every 2 months, you're going to get plenty of time to enjoy your new Beneteau.
Just as Nautic7 lets you experience the fun of sailing without the expenses and maintenance, the Nautic7 Scheduler lets you get out there sailing without figuring out who has the boat and whose turn it is. The system is online, easy to use and always accessible. Simply point, click and go sailing.
Additional Features
- Waiting lists. Sign up for a sailing reservation and get confirmation if the other member cancels or doesn't confirm their reservation.
- Automated email notifies you about the status of your sailing calendar.
- Automated monitoring ensures all members get access to weekend and weekday sail reservations. No one can monopolize the calendar—or rock the boat.
- Your online Nautic7 Scheduler home page keeps a handy summary of your sail reservations.
- Get a weather forecast for the sail reservation you have selected inside 7 days.
- Sail with friends. Click on the "Sailvite" tab to automatically send an email invite to friends and family.
- Extend open invitations to sailing reservations with other Members online.
One of the most often questions asked of us is how do we handle Members' responsibilities towards each other? The answer: "iBoat". iBoat is the tool that keeps all our Members in check and remaining consistently responsible.

If an item needs replenishing, the system recognizes it. If something needs repair, the system handles it. If a condition on the boat requires the attention of the Base Manager or the next-scheduled Member, an email notice is automatically sent out. All in all, iBoat ensures the boat is ready to sail when you are.
For example, if the galley is not clean, iBoat sends an email to the responsible Member to inform them of the situation. If fuel is low, or if the waste tank is getting full, iBoat tells the Nautic7 staff.
The sophistication of iBoat ensures our boats are always clean and ready for our users to have the best sailing experience.