Membership FAQ
What is the maximum number of fractional sailors on a given boat?Eight. All the available time is made useful to the eight Members via our online scheduling software. Learn more about how the Scheduler allows everyone to get the sailing reservations they want by visiting
What is the monthly cost?
It depends on the size of the boat. Certain markets may charge more due to local insurance rates, location slip rates and seasonal conditions. For more information visit the locations page of our website
Will my costs go up if there are fewer fractional sailors available on the boat?
No. The Nautic7 model has been specifically crafted to alleviate this type of pitfall and ensures that Members pay a flat monthly fee only.
How much cash will I be required to pay when I join Nautic7?
This depends on the size of the boat and the location. For example, a new Hunter 33 typically requires a $1500 security deposit, of which $1000 is refundable, plus a $1100-$1500 initiation training fee depending on your previous experience. The other models have slightly different costs due to insurance costs and other variables. For more information visit the Locations page of our website
What is the length of the commitment?
There is no time commitment. However if you give the Base 3 months notice, you will receive the refundable portion of your security deposit back. Additionally most bases will give you a discount if you sign up for a year long commitment so that they can better manage their Membership Base.
Do I need to sign a contract? Can I see it?
Yes. Call or email your Nautic7 representative.
Am I a part-owner of the boat as part of the agreement?
No. Nautic7 recognizes that if all Members were owners, they'd all suffer the asset depreciation and selling complexities. Nautic7 conveniently takes those complexities away. Nautic7 provides the Owner-Member Program whereby one person per boat may take advantage of our Owner-Member program benefits. Speak to a Nautic7 representative to discover the advantages of this program.
Are there any other maintenance/upkeep fees that will be assessed?
No. But if you damage the vessel you will pay the insurance deductible out of your deposit. Then you must replenish the deposit.
Can two people share one membership?
No. For insurance reasons, the number of operators is capped at 8.
How do you schedule the sailing reservations?
Our exclusive and proprietary Nautic7 scheduling on-line software allows you to reserve and swap schedules 24/7 in real-time. The software allows you to select a minimum of seven sailing reservations per month and an unlimited amount on an as available basis.
Is Friday a weekday or weekend sail time?
Friday is a weekday. Friday evening is a weekend evening sail time.
Can I see the yacht ahead of time?
Absolutely! Just call to schedule an appointment.
How is the boat outfitted?
Our boats in each location are fully loaded to the appropriate weather and sailing conditions. Speak with your local Nautic7 Base Owner for specific details.
Can I stay overnight on the boat?
Yes. Every evening sail time ends at 10:30 am the next morning.
Who is responsible for washing down the boat?
Members wash down the boat after use and remove their trash etc. Our Bases use iBoat, a wireless Internet connected PDA that Members use to check on and check off the boat each time. If the previous Member left something amiss, they will be sent an email from iBoat informing them of their oversight. This ensures you get the boat in pristine condition each time you go sailing.
Who is responsible for re-fueling and pump-out of the boat?
Nautic7 is, and at no extra charge to the Member.
How do you handle irresponsible uncooperative/non-paying Members?
The Member agreement provides for the removal of Members who abuse Nautic7's policies.
Can I use Nautic7 to qualify to Captain a boat on a Caribbean vacation?
Yes. Nautic7 will help you gain enough experience so that you can qualify to Captain a boat in a vacation destination. Additionally, iBoat tracks and logs your time on the boat to help you build your sailing resume.
Can I continuously get back to back sailing reservations so long as no other Member is using the time?
Absolutely! Each Member is entitled to unlimited "as-available" use on a 24-hour notice at no extra cost.
I see that you have bases worldwide. Can I use Nautic7 boats in other locations either temporarily or semi-permanently?
Yes. A Nautic7 Membership gives you access to sailboats across Nautic7's globally-located bases. Certain qualifications and restrictions must be met. Inquire with your local Nautic7 Base.
Can I become a Member first and then upgrade to become an Owner-Member?
Yes. Owner-Members are upgraded from requests from the existing Membership pool. Requests are taken in chronological order and upgrades are issued once a new yacht is required in the fleet. The Owner-Member program is very popular, please place requests early.
This seems too good to be true!
Well, it is good and it is true.
Nautic7 has invested a lot of time, effort and technology into designing a program that provides easy, affordable, accessible sailing now.